The light that gives form and definition to the world around us bounces away from its source in a straight line and eventually in all directions. As far as we know the elemental particles that make up this light (photons) travel away from their source indefinitely, chasing the cosmological event horizon, out into ever expanding space.
The constructions I build are an attempt to rectify both the immortality and the extreme impermanence of the nature of the visually perceptible field. These are machinations of my own attempt to capture and define an imperceptibly fast moment in time.

Light moving away from its source at the back of the box is geometrically diffused by a grated field and bounced back onto the subject, that same light (now perceived in this instance as a human form) then is defused again as it passes through the field and into your eyes.
We are all defined by the light we reflect, and that light both defuses into obscurity and continues forever at the same time. In lieu of a traditional view of the afterlife, Cosmological impermanence is the most beautiful thing.